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Two New HHN 2024 Houses: Major Sweets and Museum

Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights has announced two new original houses: Major Sweets Candy Factory and The Museum: Deadly Exhibits! While The Museum is a fresh concept, Major Sweets Candy Factory continues the story from the 2022 Sweet Revenge Scarezone.

HHN 2024 Houses: Major Sweets Candy Factory

HHN 2024 Houses: Major Sweets

The Story Behind Major Sweets

In Major Sweets Candy Factory, you are a chaperone on a field trip to a Wonka-like chocolate factory where the sweets turn children into monsters. Surrounded by crazed monster-children and factory dangers, you must escape with your life.

The Sweet Revenge Scarezone

This house expands on the 2022 Sweet Revenge Scarezone, where Major Sweets distributed trick-or-treat candy that turned the town’s children into monsters. The now mutant children attack the 1954 Annual Halloween Party Parade, derailing floats and devouring parade goers. It is unknow whether the house will be a prequal, sequel, or concurrent with the scarezone story. If it is a prequal, it does not bode well for your odds of surviving the house. The only way Major Sweets would still be giving out candy after such a factory incident, is if there were no survivors to tell the tale.

Sights and Smells

The Sweet Revenge Scarezone was the largest and most colorful zone of 2022, and the house should be similar. Universal occasionally breaks the monotony of dark houses with something bright and colorful. Major Sweets would be the perfect opportunity for bright colors in 2024. They also love to use smells to enhance the experience. It is almost a certainty that chocolate smells will be strong in the early part of the house. Watch out though, another favorite HHN House smell is vomit, and this would also be the perfect time to use that smell.

A Bigger Building

Major Sweets will use the Fast and Furious ride building. This is the third year the ride has hosted a house, following Blumhouse in 2022 and Chucky in 2023. Each previous house has had a specific two-act structure. This structure is required by the building’s unique layout. Universal clears out half of the Fast and Furious ride queue to build the first half of the house. They then build a series of exterior tents for the second half. Blumhouse used this structure to plot two different movies, the first half was Freaky and the second Black Phone. In the first half of Chucky, he attacked Universal employees who were building his house, while the second half followed the storyline from his TV show.

This year, the Fast and Furious ride will be closed for the entire Halloween Horror Nights 2024 run, allowing the use of the entire indoor space for Major Sweets. They are also still building the tents outside. This means that Major Sweets will be the largest and most expansive house to ever use this location. Will Major Sweet’s still use the two-act structure that the last two houses use? We won’t know until August, but my money is on yes.

HHN 2024 Houses: The Museum: Deadly Exhibits

The Dark Legend of The Rotting Stone

HHN 2024 Houses: Museum Deadly Exhibits

Prepare for a nightmarish journey through The Museum: Deadly Exhibits, centered around a new folklore museum exhibit, The Rotting Stone. Once inside, guests will witness an evil force escaping from the stone, wreaking havoc and destruction throughout the museum. As the evil spreads, the exhibits come to life in horrifying ways, creating a deadly maze of terror.

What Awaits Inside

Very little is known about the Museum: Deadly Exhibits house, but it has the potential to be the best house of the year. A museum with exhibits offers countless possibilities for Easter eggs. Exhibits could include artifacts from previous Icons, Jacks box, Oddfellow’s Cane, Fear’s Lantern. Important props from old movie houses or Universal rides could be displayed. A folklore museum could also go in a different direction and feature items related to real life folktales, crossroads demons, bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, or Mothmen. The possibilities are endless and it is almost a guarantee that Universal creatives will include something for the die hard fans.

    Get Ready for HHN 2024

    Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights 2024is set to be unforgettable, with these new haunted houses leading the charge. Whether you’re drawn to the continuing legacy of Major Sweets Candy Factory or the potential easter eggs of The Museum: Deadly Exhibits, one thing is for certain – these houses are going to be incredible.


    Major Sweets Candy Factory and The Museum: Deadly Exhibits bring the HHN 2024 house count to four. Universal usually has five original houses, and five Intellectual property houses, but rumor has it this year there will be 6 originals. At the current pace, Universal will announce all of the original houses before the week ends. But so far, none of them have connected back to that mysterious trailer, or hinted at the possible mystery Icon for the year. There are 100 days until opening, and there are still plenty of things to discover about HHN 2024.

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